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Re: Bug#483179: PTS: please link to Ubuntu Launchpad bugs page

On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 05:09:42PM +0200, Alexander Wirt wrote:
> There is one thing I never understood:

> we have that great bugtracking system and on the other side there is some
> ubuntu guy who thinks a package needs a patch. Why is it not possible that
> the same guy who does the patch fills a bug in the bts? That would allow a
> maintainer to track the patch, add comments and would help other people to
> understand why a patch is/or is not added.

The same reason there is so many patches in our packages and why so few
our bugreports get forwarded to upstream backtracking systems: lack of time.

> If we use that patch "service" (I don't call it a service, its a burden)
> where are some patches, some broken, many without context and with no option
> to track them or add comments we have all possible disadvantages that are
> possible with such a system.

Same could be said about our diff.gz files from upstream POV.

> We have a working patch service - its called bts (http://bts.debian.org for
> all who don't know)

Actually that link does not work ;)

> it would be great if this would be used and nothing else.

The world does not spin around debian. 

"rm -rf" only sounds scary if you don't have backups

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