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Oldlibs transitions, and some old packages.

Dear QA team,

I am trying to help out by finding rdepends of packages in the oldlibs
section, and am hoping that cleaning up the oldlibs section could be
made a Lenny release goal (distant dream).

In this direction, I have filed the following bugs:

Now, before I file the bugs, I check the package's PTS and BTS pages,
and have observed that several packages are candidates for
orphaning/removal. While I could make such a request myself, I'd
rather let the QA group handle it, since it comes under your
jursidiction. :-)

As of now, for imlib alone, I can say that these packages are
candidates for orphaning and, maybe, subsequent removal:

array-util: Orphan? Remove?
chameleon: Orphan? Remove?
epplets: Orphan? Remove?
motioneye: Remove?
mozart-gtk: Remove?
vertex: Orphan?
xzgv: Orphan?

Hope this helps. Also, in case you do file oldlib transition bugs,
please try to adhere to the usertags I have used, or tell me the bug
numbers, and I can usertag them.


Kumar Appaiah,
458, Jamuna Hostel,
Indian Institute of Technology Madras,
Chennai - 600 036

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