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Re: dehs live code

Bluefuture wrote:
Hi, after etch release this is a list of debian packages not in sync with
upstream version[1] with upstream news or changelog data where available
(click on the upstream version number). Packages are sorted with popcon

Great stuff, thanks!

I have also set the dehs "live" project directory on alioth readable for

Any help or coordination with some qa project of google soc 2007 it is

What about the false positives like gdm and gnome-screensaver?

Btw, I would like to suggest point out (or ommit) the packages where version naming scheme don't match, like in a52dec. It's the easier scenario: If the upstream part of the version (upstream or debian) contains "[a-Z]" and the other doesn't, the version naming scheme can't be compared in a sane way, eg: "snapshot" against "1.0" (-X intentionally ommitted). Thoughts?

Gustavo Franco - <stratus@debian.org>

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