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Storing the bug summaries information in an SQL DB


Since that was a prerequisite for "DDPO by mail", I started playing with
importing the BTS' *.summary files in a database. I hacked bugscan to
insert data in a mysql db, and I also imported some info from the
Sources files (binary/source packages, maintainers and uploaders) to be
able to cross-reference all of that.

The results seem promising, as I was easily able to run queries like:
- bugs filed against non-existing packages (not in stable, testing,
  unstable or experimental)
- top 20 maintainers with the most bugs
- top 20 maintainers with the most bugs, including co-maintained
- number of open bugs (total, or per package, or per maintainer) affecting
  testing or unstable, excluding bugs tagged "wontfix" or "moreinfo".

This could be used to generate lists of "interesting bugs" (the list of
bugs filed against non-existing packages is just one example), and to
record the evolution of the number of bugs over time (total, or per
maintainer, or per package), thus providing cool metrics for bug
triaging campaigns, and maybe also for MIA.

If nobody think that it's a bad idea, I'll continue by moving all that
stuff to merkel.d.o (where bugs.d.o is already mirrored anyway). I'll
ask for the creation of a "qa" postgres DB, and for the installation of
gnuplot to be able to produce nice, visual graphs.

Any comments/suggestions ?
| Lucas Nussbaum
| lucas@lucas-nussbaum.net   http://www.lucas-nussbaum.net/ |
| jabber: lucas@nussbaum.fr             GPG: 1024D/023B3F4F |

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