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messagewall - remove from debian or not?

Hi all,

I was looking at the list of packages that are orphaned but don't have
their maintainer set to QA[1]. First package on the list is messagewall,
so I went looking for a new upstream (mentioned in #249840). I talked to
the upstream ex-maintainer on freenode @ Fri Jun 16 22:56:24 +0800 2006:

<pabs3> hi, I'm doing some QA stuff for debian, and I was wondering what
the status of messagewall is? I read in http://bugs.debian.org/249840
that version 1.09 is being worked on, is that the case?
<flamingcow> no
<flamingcow> the project is dead for more than 3 years
<pabs3> ok. the debian maintainer has orphaned it. do you recommend that
it be removed from debian?
<flamingcow> i do, and have said so in #d-d before
<pabs3> ok, I'll report this to the qa group, thanks
<flamingcow> thanks

No packages depend on, recommend or suggest messagewall (at least on

My questions to those who have submitted bugs against it (CCed):

      * Do you still use messagewall, or have you moved on to amavis or
        other mail filtering software?
      * If we removed it from debian, would you be able to migrate to
        some other software when etch is released?
      * Are there any features you specifically need it for?

To debian-qa folks and the debian maintainer:

What do we think about removing messagewall from debian?

     1. http://qa.debian.org/orphaned.html



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