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Re: Dummy package hunt (finished, for now)

On Tue, Aug 09, 2005, Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña wrote:
> All in all, I've reviewed 153 binary packages [1] and I've submitted 57 bugs


> I've actually submitted most of this bugs at "wishlist" severity,
> unlike the 18 bugs related to this issue I reported back in May
> (which were 'serious' since these dummy packages were unchanged
> from woody to sarge). Some were reported at higher severity, though.

What is the criteria for the severity you set? According to the thread
on debian-devel[1], Joerg Jaspert suggested[2] normal severity and
a direct bug to ftp.debian.org Cced to the maintainer if the source
package is empty. Santiago Villa suggested[3] wishlist severity.
Everybody was opposed to RC.

[1] http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2005/07/msg00869.html
[2] http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2005/07/msg00876.html
[3] http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2005/07/msg00979.html

> I want to mention this since I remember stumbling (through a blog
> entry from somebody in QA, don't remember who) in
> http://adn.diwi.org/wiki/index.php/DummyPackagesStatus

Actually, it is http://adn.diwi.org/wiki/index.php/DummyPackagesList

> I don't have time to update the info in the wiki, but if you want to 
> do it, just look for bugs I've submitted (using this e-mail address)
> in the last two days. All of these are related to the dummy package
> hunt. I can also provide anyone interested with the mailbox with
> all bug submissions and changes sent to control@bugs

I updated it, and I will review it again with Clément. What still needs
to be done is to double-check the ones with no bug submitted and to
track the bugs submitted on ftp.debian.org in order to keep the list up
to date.

> libpgsql-ruby or ipython (amongst others). This the problem of
> not having a standard description for dummy/transitional packages,

A debtag ? ;)

> Best regards

Thanks for your work.

Mohammed Adnène Trojette
Don't Cc: me, I read the list

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