Dear QA-interested, as you might have noticed, the Debian QA-group[1] is now maintaining around 265 packages accumulating arround 633 bugs. That's far too much. Therefore a Debian-QA-MiniConf will be organized at the Technical University of Darmstadt[2] from the 9th to the 11th of September. Accomodation for that meeting will be provided by members of the Darmstaedter Linux User Group. As we won't have enough beds, please bring your own sleeping bags and camping mat. Food will also be provided. At the Technical University of Darmstadt we will have a full Debian mirror as well as several architectures available - so testing architecture specific bugs should be possible. Targets will be as usual for QA, squashing long outstanding bugs, improve debian-qa infrastructure and work on documentation. If there is enough interest, we can also try to organize some short talks about different aspects of QA. Several persons from the release team, the FTP team and from the QA group will be pressent. Further information will be posted to the debian qa mailing list[3] [1] [2] [3] -- Martin Zobel-Helas <>
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