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Bug Squashing in Sydney, November 27th to 28th

Folks, we can't let the Debian developers in Germany have all the fun
and glory.  If you are in or around Sydney, let's beat them to the
punch and close out as many bugs as we can.


Close as many RC bugs before the Frankfurt BSP and help get sarge out
the door.

Much of the Sydney-based Debian cabal will be in attendence. Perfect
opportunity to become a Debian maintainer. Or get you key signed.


In addition to the local Debian crowd, we invite other Debian people
in the area to join in either in person or virtually.  Please let us
know if you want to attend the meeting, so we can plan ahead a bit.
Please contact Matt Hope <dopey@debian.org> or myself or just reply to
the debian-au list.


University of New South Wales
Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) Building 
Sydney, NSW, Australia

<URL: http://www.slug.org.au/events/cse.html>


Network connectivity should be okay, there should also be wireless too.
Remember to bring your own tin cans, string and ethernet cable. A power
board may make you a god among geeks. There is a full ftp.debian.org 
mirror onsite. There is also a beach nearby.


Thanks to Craige for doing the organising and Dave and Matt for
assistance with UNSW. If I've forgotten to mention anyone the
only way to make me remember who you are is to come along.


linux.conf.au 2005   -  http://lca2005.linux.org.au/  -  Birthplace of Tux
April 18th to 23rd   -  http://lca2005.linux.org.au/  -       LINUX
Canberra, Australia  -  http://lca2005.linux.org.au/  -    Get bitten!

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