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Bug#206363: packages.qa.debian.org: Would it be possible to show the translation status as well?

Le Wed, Aug 20, 2003 at 12:45:41PM +0200, Martin Quinson écrivait:
> Of course I am willing to help and do my part of the job if I'm 
> directed to the right parts of the source.

Goot to hear that because I'm interested by your contribution since I
severly lack time to implement this myself. :-)

So the sources are at :
(available via anon cvs)

You should :
- grab & unpack the files in bin/update_incoming.sh
- write a bin/l10n_to_xml.py much like other_to_xml.py or
  excuses_to_xml.py in order to generate a l10n.xml file
  for each source package where it applies
  (please make sure to have a "signature mechanism" like in
  other_to_xml.py in order to avoid regenerating the file if the content
  hasn't changed)
  (check sources_to_xml.py for a way to parse control-like files, ie rfc
  822 compliant headers)
- use that l10n.xml file in xsl/pts.xsl to display something useful
  in the web page

If you have more precise questions, feel free to ask. All this stuff
runs on master, but you can make it run on any machine provided that you
have a local debian mirror.

> The question is wheather you accept to add such informations to the 
> pts or if we have to redevelop from the scratch such a system for the
> translation issues.

If it's well done, I'd accept it of course ! ;-)

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