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Re: Bug#197797: gnome-terminal v2 is horribly slow to display

Yann Dirson <ydirson@altern.org> writes:

> On Tue, Jun 17, 2003 at 10:54:21PM +0200, Christian Marillat wrote:
>> Yann Dirson <ydirson@altern.org> writes:


>> Read fontconfig documentation ?
>> Search with Google why AA are slow ?
> AA ?  Ascii Art ?!

Are you living on another planet ?

> What would that to do with fontconfig ?  I had a terminal emulator

See the gnome-terminal dependency, why I'm talking about fontconfig and
and think the package name fontconfig is explicit.

> that worked correctly, now it does not any more, and I'm apparently
> not using any strange font...  How is it that most developpers happen
> to help people to track problems, when some others mostly answer "read
> all the internet, you'll find the answer" ?

I'm just saying that this is not a bug but a configuration issue.

> And did you yourself try to run some command like "ldd
> /usr/bin/gnome-terminal" in screen in a gnome-terminal ?  And compare
> that to the same within screen within an xterm ?  The former takes
> more than 3 seconds of wallclock ("time" is not taking the display
> time into account, don't bother using it).  Reminds me of the 8086
> preformance when running "DIR" on a floppy disk.

Again no, I did a "tree /var" under a normal gnome-tterminal and under
screen; and I do'n t see any difference.


>> Try to changes the gnome-terminal font ?
> Now that's something a bit more constructive.  After one hour of
> otherwise sterile debates :(

Since the beginning I said that.


> Guess what ?  99% of them are proportional, which makes them totally
> useless on a terminal emulator.  Should I file a new bug ?  Or would
> it closed directly for any obscure reason ?

Should I add font packages for you ?


>> try to disable font paths in fontconfig configuration ?
> Disable what ?
> $ cat /etc/fonts/local.conf
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
> <!-- /etc/fonts/local.conf file for local customizations -->
> <fontconfig>
> </fontconfig>

Wrong file.

> After running "dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig" I now have a single line.
> Not sure that will help however.

May be you need to do a ls /etc/fonts ?

$ ls /etc/fonts 
fonts.conf  fonts.dtd  local.conf  local.conf.old

and read other files ?


>> > It looks like many people are being pissed off by such an aggressive
>> > behaviour.  This is going against the quality of the distribution.
>> > Hence the CC of this mail.
>> Who is exactly agressive ? you ? 
> The one who is so convinced there is no bug in _HIS_ package that he
> pisses off bug reporters without an explanation ?  The one who has to
> be asked 4 times by different packages before starting to enlighten
> the lowly users about why their bug was closed ?  Just guess...

I've already saying 4 times that this bug is a configuration issue. Your
attitude is also unacceptable, you have reopened this bug without any
search on your configuration what wrong.


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