Re: woody
On Mon, Apr 01, 2002 at 11:56:25AM -0800, Nick Jacobs wrote:
> --- Peter Palfrader <> wrote:
> > Enough to have started and to maintain the hppa port. You realize
> > that you are extremly rude to those people who spend much time to
> > port Debian to those archs.
> Certainly not. Waiting for hppa (etc) support has delayed release of
> woody - that's a fact. The vast majority of Debian users have been
> adversely affected by a tiny minority of vocal marginal-architecture
> advocates.
The majority of open release-critical bugs are not
architecture-specific. Those that are often aren't as specific as you
might think. For instance, the hppa port has done a sterling job of
ironing out problems with gcc 3.0 in advance - the same compiler that,
as I understand it, will be used for i386 in the next release. Perhaps
you'll find their problems to be a little less marginal then.
Dropping the hppa and ia64 architectures would, incidentally, lose us
much of the support of many excellent people at Hewlett-Packard and
Progeny who have been working well beyond the call of duty on those
ports, often improving the rest of Debian in the process.
> > If you want to speed up the woody release, go to
> >
> > and fix bugs and supply patches.
> There are no outstanding release-critical bugs in packages I use on
> the architecture I have access to, so your comment is not applicable.
You are mistaken about what bugs apply to what architectures, as I just
said in another post. On the "packages I use" part, most of the bugs I
fix aren't in packages I use.
A year ago, this discussion might have been valuable and interesting.
The hppa and ia64 architectures were still in a marginal state then as
far as Debian were concerned, and it's true that supporting more
architectures has cost extra effort up to now. At this stage, though,
those architectures are not significantly less ready for release than
any others, and arguing the toss now simply diverts attention away from
more useful activities.
Please go and fix bugs so we can release woody.
Colin Watson []
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- References:
- Re: woody
- From: Peter Palfrader <>
- Re: woody
- From: Nick Jacobs <>