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qa issues with qa.debian.org/man-pages

Hi, I have some mild issues with the undocumented manpages listed
on http://qa.debian.org/man-pages.html.

There seem to be both false positives and negatives on the page.

Some items on the page already have man pages. For instance,
all the items listed under gmt have manpages in the gmt-manpages package.
I emailed man-pages@qa.debian.org telling this and apparently ended up
volunteering myself to write them again :)
In fact gmt is documented rather nicely since gmt-doc, gmt-doc-ps,
gmt-examples, gmt-manpages, and gmt-tutorial are all existing packages.
If only all packages were documented like this one.

There also seem to be undocumented files that do not appear on the page.
When I do a
     find / -lname "*undoc*" -printf "%f\n" | sort
on my stock potato system, I get about 220 files, a lot of them are not
on the man-pages.html page. I am optimistically assuming that means
most of these manpages have been written and are available in Woody.
Short of installing Woody, is there any way to tell which of these
manpages exist now? I tried to do a search of package contents on the
Debian website, but it occurred to me that package contents for foo.1.gz
that are links to undocumented.* would show up looking like foo.1.gz,
so there is no way to tell from there.

Hugo Graumann

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