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Re: Let's close down the QA committee

Le Tue, Jul 24, 2001 at 07:55:13AM -0400, Michael Stone écrivait:
> > The QA committee was designed to play such a role. Sorry.
> The committee may have been designed that way, but it never had any
> more authority to act than any maintainer already has. (IOW, a QA

Yes, that's true, but many maintainers feared to remove packages owned by
other and so on, so the committee (with unfearful people) could have
helped by taking the (reasoned) decision.

> committee action would be no less subject to bitching & second guessing
> than a consensus decision on debian-qa@lists or even an arbitrary
> decision by an ftp archive maintainer.)

Yes, but at least the original maintainer wouldn't have been annoyed
directly, the committee would have been but since it was composed of
people especially trained to resist to flames and other pepople bitching
about their decision, it wouldn't have caused much trouble. :-D

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