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close 12230
reassign 14361 remind
reassign 14541 mpg123
reassign 14842 chord
reassign 14849 sniffit
reassign 14851 gettyps
reassign 14855 doc++
reassign 14906 xinetd
reassign 14946 xsnow
reassign 14947 xtet42
reassign 14952 cqcam
reassign 14953 elvis
reassign 14956 spim
reassign 15125 picon-misc
reassign 15154 pari
reassign 16028 chinese-big5
reassign 16032 vic-cqcam
reassign 16671 kmodplayer
severity 16729 wishlist
reassign 16789 qps
reassign 16879 mcvert
close 17045
reassign 17273 xinvaders
reassign 17299 xpostitplus
reassign 17595 tcpquota
reassign 17702 pgplot
reassign 19251 xsqlmenu
reassign 19284 dmalloc1-dev
reassign 19495 dfm

Most of these are bugs regarding the placement of the package within the
archive.  The rest are just problems with the package.  If it is the former,
please reupload your package with the correct distribution and section.  If
it should be in contrib or non-free, just change "unstable" to "contrib" or
"non-free" (as approprite) on the first line of the changelog file and
reupload it to master.debian.org.

Hamm will be freezing as soon as master.debian.org returns (hardware
problems).  I will be accepting packages that do nothing but change
sections (be _sure_ to state this reason in the changelog file) for the
first week of the freeze, but no later.  None of the above packages are
standard unix so if they are missing from the final distribution it will
be no big problem.  Uploads to "unstable" are always welcome, of course.


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