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Bug#1036249: reopen #1036249

I have identified the rhino upstream commit which caused the FTBFS in closure-
compiler. If I revert said commit in rhino, then closure-compiler builds from
source without any additional patches needed. 


However I still see the same runtime errors when I compile closure-compiler
against this new rhino version. At the moment I am running out of ideas. Given
that we approach full freeze in a few days, I am inclined to ship the last
rhino version that worked for closure-compiler and bundle it together with
src:closure-compiler. That should ensure all reverse-dependencies can be built
from source again. We also don't have to touch src:rhino again. 

After the Bookworm release I recommend to file an RC bug against closure-
compiler to ensure that someone either maintains it properly or it gets removed
from Debian. Currently src:rhino already ships patches to maintain
compatibility with a 10 year old version of closure-compiler and the burden
should not be placed on other maintainers to keep it in Debian.

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