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Bug#1024896: ghostscript-doc: missing HTML files, package almost empty

On 2022-11-27 18:05:17 +0100, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> Indeed, /usr/share/doc-base/ghostscript-doc.ghostscript contains
> Format: HTML
> Index: /usr/share/doc/ghostscript/index.html
> Files: /usr/share/doc/ghostscript/*.htm*
> but the package contains no HTML files, except "News.htm".
> It seems that previous versions contained them:
> zira:~> apt-file search /usr/share/doc/ghostscript/index.html
> ghostscript-doc: /usr/share/doc/ghostscript/index.html
> so they have been silently dropped (the NEWS.Debian.gz and
> changelog.Debian.gz don't say anything).

I can see that 9.56.1~dfsg-1 had these HTML files. I suppose that
something bad happened in the upgrade to 10.x.

The source package has doc/HowToBuildTheDocs.txt, which seems to
be new in 10.x. In particular,


Building HTML documentation

>From the `doc` location run:

sphinx-build -b html src build

This then creates the HTML documentation within `doc/build` for your review, you can then run `build/index.html` to check out the results.



zira:...cript-10.0.0~dfsg> grep -r sphinx-build .
./doc/HowToBuildTheDocs.txt:sphinx-build -b html src build
./doc/HowToBuildTheDocs.txt:sphinx-build -b pdf src .

Basically, the documentation is not built.

Vincent Lefèvre <vincent@vinc17.net> - Web: <https://www.vinc17.net/>
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog: <https://www.vinc17.net/blog/>
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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