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Bug#901129: timidity: removes conffile belonging to timidity-daemon

Am 09.06.2018 um 13:36 schrieb Reiner Herrmann:
> Hi Sven and Michael,
> thank you for the report and sorry for breaking it.
>> specifically
>> timidity.maintscript
>> rm_conffile    /etc/default/timidity    2.14.0-1~    timidity-daemon
>> doesn't look correct either.
>> dpkg-maintscript-helper does not have support for moving conffiles from
>> one package to another (and why would you remove the conffile from
>> timidity-daemon, the package you moved the conffile into?)
> I'm not removing it from timidity-daemon, but from timidity
> (timidity.maintscript). In the last column I'm marking timidity-daemon
> as the owner of the file.

Why would the timidity package remove a conffile that belongs to another
package? That doesn't make sense to me.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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