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Re: Maintenance of python-cryptography

On March 15, 2024 3:47:25 PM UTC, Thomas Goirand <zigo@debian.org> wrote:
>On 3/15/24 13:52, Scott Kitterman wrote:
>> On March 15, 2024 7:19:16 AM UTC, Thomas Goirand <zigo@debian.org> wrote:
>>> On 3/14/24 08:52, Andreas Tille wrote:
>>>> I would have prefered to
>>>> read constructive arguments instead of silent leaving the team (in the
>>>> sense of not informing the team mailing list about the leave).
>>> Me too. But I'm not surprised.
>> I didn't have a list, I'm glad someone went through and made one.
>> Yes, he might have handled his departure from the team differently, but I found the entire discussion about changing the team policy on setting the maintainer very off putting.  I haven't talked to him about it beyond making sure he was aware of the discussion, so I don't know why he handled it the way he did, but I can easily imagine he was quite frustrated.
>> Frankly, I think statements like the above aren't particularly consistent with the project CoC and have me thinking again about if this is the kind of team I care to be involved with.
>Which part? The one where I am saying that I'm not surprised? That in no way should be taken badly, or as an attack on him. Let me explain then.
>I too, would prefer if Sandro didn't leave, even if I had difficult moments when communicating with him. I stated it already, I did appreciate his contribution to the team, and to the project at large.
>Though it's a fact that I was not surprised, because you mentioned it. We knew in advance it could happen. Looking backward, it seems it was inevitable, unfortunately.
>I'd be very sad to see you go as well, please stay.
>> While the way he left the team is on him, the fact that it even came up is 100% on the people pushing this change.
>I do not agree. It came up because what it was generating (frustration, flames about "rogue uploads", you name it...) had to be addressed.

My level of frustration is not declining.

I suggest to you that the source of the emails about rogue uploads were the rogue uploads.  I think that not following the rules and then complaining that people called you on not following the rules has an obvious source.

This was an avoidable own goal on the team's part because, in my judgement, there was too little openness to diversity of opinions on how to do things.

Scott K

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