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Updating Flask to 3.x?


the Flask team released Flask and the depending package Werkzeug 3.0.0 on 2023-09-30.

Since Thomas Goirand did the last update of Flask to 2.2.x nearly one year ago in preparation for the Bookworm release I've talked with Thomas recently about updating Flask and depending packages again so we can get Flask 3.x into the archive. Thomas pointed out he will not have time to work on Flask 3 and some depending packages in the near future.

I usual try to keep an eye on some Flask related packages as we use them on my day job. A few of them have now RC issues and are already kicked out of testing. Solving these bug reports are now mostly depending on a newer Flask version or at least it would be more useful to move over to a recent Flask version.

Given we are now short before the X-mas days and I will have some more time to look at some packages I'm willing to push things further.

I've started on Flask and werkzeug packages yesterday and basically there are no big issues to get these packages updated. If no objections are raised I intend to upload recent versions of python-flask and python-werkzeug to experimental next week.

Once happen we will see through


which packages would prevent a migration later due build or test failures.

Following a simple list of reverse deps for the resulting binary packages. Any help, suggestion or useful hint in maintaining this Flask update is really appreciated!

Do you agree on my plan? Or do you have reasons to wait a bit more with uploading Flask and Werkzeug to experimental?

$ LANG= apt rdepends python3-flask python3-werkzeug
Reverse Depends:
  Depends: python3-flask-api (>= 0.12.3)
  Depends: mu-editor (>= 1.0.2)
  Depends: python3-etesync-dav
  Depends: voltron
  Depends: supysonic (>= 0.11)
  Recommends: snakemake
  Depends: python3-sahara (>= 2.1.2)
  Depends: recon-ng
  Suggests: python3-livereload
  Depends: python3-flask-sockets
  Depends: python3-flask-seeder (>= 1.0.2)
  Depends: python3-flask-marshmallow
  Depends: python3-python-flask-jwt-extended (>= 2.0)
  Depends: python3-python-flask-jwt-extended (<< 4.0)
  Depends: python3-flask-httpauth
  Depends: python3-flask-cors (>= 0.9)
  Depends: python3-flasgger (>= 0.10)
  Depends: python3-pytest-flask
  Depends: python3-trove (>= 2.2.3)
  Depends: python-openslide-examples
  Depends: openlp
  Depends: onionshare-cli (<< 3.0.0)
  Depends: onionshare-cli (>= 2.0.0)
  Depends: mkchromecast
  Depends: mitmproxy (>= 1.1.1)
  Depends: python3-locust (>= 2.0.0)
  Depends: lektor
  Depends: python3-klaus
  Depends: python3-keystone
  Depends: json-schema-test-suite
  Depends: python3-ironic-inspector (>= 1.1.0)
  Depends: python3-impacket
  Depends: python3-httpbin
  Depends: gftools
  Depends: python3-flaskext.wtf
  Depends: python3-flask-sqlalchemy (>= 2.2)
  Depends: python3-flask-socketio (>= 0.9)
  Depends: python3-flask-session
  Depends: python3-flask-restful (>= 0.8)
  Depends: python3-flask-principal
  Depends: python3-flask-peewee
  Depends: python3-flask-paranoid (>= 0.10)
  Depends: python3-flask-paginate
  Depends: python3-flask-openid (>= 0.10.1)
  Depends: python3-flaskext.multistatic
  Depends: python3-flask-mongoengine (>= 1.1.2)
  Depends: python3-flask-migrate (>= 0.9)
  Depends: python3-flask-mail
  Depends: python3-flask-login (>= 1.0.4)
  Depends: python3-flask-limiter (>= 2)
  Depends: python3-flask-ldapconn (>= 0.12)
  Depends: python3-flask-jwt-simple
  Depends: python3-flask-htmlmin
  Depends: python3-flask-flatpages (>= 0.8)
  Depends: python3-flask-dance (>= 2.0.3)
  Depends: python3-flask-compress
  Depends: python3-flask-caching
  Depends: python3-flask-bcrypt
  Depends: python3-flask-basicauth
  Depends: python3-flask-babelex
  Depends: python3-flask-babel (>= 2.0)
  Depends: python3-cloudkitty (>= 2.0.0)
  Recommends: python-flask-doc
  Suggests: dnstwist
  Depends: python3-designate
  Depends: comitup
  Depends: a2d
  Depends: ceph-iscsi
  Depends: python3-flask-bootstrap
  Depends: python3-biomaj3-user
  Depends: python3-biomaj3-process
  Depends: python3-biomaj3-download
  Depends: python3-biomaj3-daemon
  Depends: bepasty
  Suggests: beets
Reverse Depends:
  Depends: python3-quart (>= 2.2.0~)
  Depends: python3-mediagoblin
  Depends: ceph-mgr-dashboard
  Depends: ceph-mgr
  Depends: python3-vitrage
  Depends: tryton-server
  Depends: tryton-modules-web-shortener
  Depends: tryton-modules-web-shop-vue-storefront
  Depends: tryton-modules-timesheet
  Depends: tryton-modules-marketing-automation
  Depends: tryton-modules-account-payment-stripe
  Depends: tryton-modules-account-payment-braintree
  Depends: python3-pytest-localserver (>= 0.10)
  Depends: python3-pywps
  Depends: python3-python-flask-jwt-extended
  Suggests: python3-django-extensions
  Depends: python3-flask (>= 2.2.2)
  Depends: python3-pytest-httpserver
  Depends: python3-pytest-flask
  Depends: prewikka
  Depends: onionshare-cli
  Depends: onionshare
  Depends: odoo-16
  Depends: python3-magnum
  Depends: python3-locust
  Depends: lektor (<< 3)
  Depends: python3-klaus
  Depends: python3-httpbin
  Depends: python3-gnocchi
  Depends: python3-flask-peewee
  Depends: python3-flask-login
  Depends: python3-flask-dance
  Depends: python3-aodh
  Depends: ceph-mgr-dashboard
  Depends: ceph-mgr
  Depends: python3-ceilometer


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