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Re: xlsxwriter: How to change homepage url

On Wed, 15 Sep 2021, Andrius Merkys wrote:


The package does not seem to have a current version control repository.

That would be a good start. There doesn't seem to be a project in
salsa.debian.org and it would make things a lot easier when asking for
help with packaging changes, to have a URL in Salsa.

There seems to be a project for xlsxwriter:


However, I am not sure whether this one corresponds to the package on
tracker.debian.org, it also would be great to make sure whether it does.

To answer your original question, yes, a new upload is required to update the 'Homepage' URL which is defined in debian/control.

It seems that this package should probably be fully moved and adopted into the Debian Python Team - it seems to have been partially done.


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