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Newcomers project: DPMT/PAPT git repos verification

i would like to propose a project to make sure our teams (DPMT/PAPT)
repos are being used correctly; it has a broader set of requirements
than the pristine-tar one (and so it's more complex), thus a separate

The checks i have in mind for now, are:

* packages in DPMT/PAPT need to have a repo in our teams, if not ->
move them in our salsa team if somewhere else or remove DPMT/PAPT from
* packages no longer in our team (moved, orphaned, etc) needs to get
their repo removed from our team
* is the repo up-to-date with the archive? f.e. is the version in
unstable the latest one released from this repo?
* does the repo contain all the versions uploaded to the archive?
* are tags up to date with the package releases?
* is the content of debian/gbp.conf against our policies?
* bonus point: make this into a service that runs regularly (not
strictly necessary to be limited to us)

i guess we should have a brief discussion about additional checks
and/or procedures before "assigning" it to a volunteer. let's say up
to 2 weeks of discussion, and during the same period volunteers can
nominate themselves.

I marked this project as newcomers as it doesn't require to be a DD/DM
to work on it, you just need a salsa account and access to our teams.
a handy tool to retrieve all our repos is at


that contains a config file for `mr` and a `checkout` script to fetch
the repos registered in that config file.

Please feel free to discuss this project now :)

Sandro "morph" Tosi
My website: http://sandrotosi.me/
Me at Debian: http://wiki.debian.org/SandroTosi
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sandrotosi

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