Hi, During DebConf19 we¹ have tried to figure out how to manage Python 2 and PyPy module removal from Debian and below is our proposal. After discussing it on this mailing list we plan to send an email to debian-devel@l.d.o with a mass bug report and later an announcement about Python 2.X / PyPy module removal with some hints about what to expect to debian-devel-announce@l.d.o. There's a release tracker set up for Python 2 removal: https://release.debian.org/transitions/html/python2-rm.html but we plan to report a bug for each package that uses Python 2 or PyPy. All these bugs will get "py2removal" usertag and later one or more additional usertags - to make progress tracking a bit easier (release tracker is not optimised for our case). Severity will be set to a RC one at some point so that packages will be autoremoved from testing. Additional tags we will use are: • py2leaf - leaf package ready to be removed, i.e. without (build-)dependencies (including Recommends) in Debian main, • py3available - Python 3 support is available upstream, package needs an update in Debian, • py3noport - there's no upstream support for Python 3, needs a port done by us or package will be removed, • py2keep - package that should not be removed for now (popcon >1000 by default). Please don't add this usertag without discussing it on the mailing list first, • py2rm - packages that we will remove from Debian due to low popcon, etc. - all packages with popcon <100 will get this one by default Each bug will mention wiki help page (which we invite you to improve): https://wiki.debian.org/Python/2Removal documentation ============= Please keep the python-foo-doc package. Do not rename it to python3-foo-doc. If python-foo was providing documentation: move it to python3-foo or create python-foo-doc (not python3-foo-doc!) binary package. If your package uses python-sphinx to build docs: replace it with python3-sphinx. missing dh-python build dependency ================================== There are ≈62² packages that use old dh_python2 helper (the one provided by python package). This helper will be removed in few months. Please add dh-python to Build-Depends (if your package cannot be upgraded to Python 3 or removed from Debian). Bug reports will be reported soon for these packages. There are ≈11² packages that use dh_python3 but do not depend on dh-python. python3 package will stop depending on dh-python soon, so please add missing dependency. Boost ===== In the next Boost transition Python 2 and Python 3 will get separate -dev packages. Please make sure you build-depend on the right one (and remove Python 2.X support if possible). DPMT / PAPT =========== No need to wait for a bug report. If you have a leaf package, remove it now. If you're not a DD, do it in the git repo and ping Piotr. [¹] Dimitri, Matthias, Piotr, Stefano, Thomas [²] https://lintian.debian.org/tags/missing-build-dependency-for-dh_-command.html
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