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Re: Matplotlib 3.0 - update ok?

ghisvail@gmail.com writes:
> Indeed. Note that NumPy has already published plans to become Python 3
> only in the near future, so the deprecation of Python 2 in the
> scientific stack will happen eventually.
> I just don't think it should be rushed into the Buster release cycle.

If we really want to then have a Python-2-numpy, why can't there be a
separate Python-2 legacy numpy source package? I do the same for

Holding back normal updates especially for science packages just because
we don't want to use a modern numpy/scipy/matplotlib stack is not really
friendly to our users, which (in science) rely on at least "somehow"
modern software. And astropy that is more than a 1.5 years old already
at the release of Buster would not be accepted by the users, and
patching it to use an older sw stack is also impractical.

Even when we /still/ support Python 2, our focus and preference should
be clearly Python 3.

Best regards


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