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Re: snap in debian

On 5 October 2017 at 09:56, Michael Hudson-Doyle <michael.hudson@canonical.com> wrote:

On 5 October 2017 at 09:52, Brian May <bam@debian.org> wrote:
Michael Hudson-Doyle <michael.hudson@canonical.com> writes:
> Can you elaborate? Do you have apparmor enabled? I am aware that there are
> problems on stable currently but being explicit reduces guessing.

See the stack overflow question. The major issue was the error when
trying to remove an existing container.

2017-09-09T15:08:29+10:00 ERROR cannot remove snap file "robotica", will retry in 3 mins: snap-robotica-x1.mount failed to stop: timeout

Ah OK. I've not seen this.

I also had problems with incorrect permissions randomly appearing, even
though I used exactly the same process every time.

Or that. Time to rebuild my stretch vm I guess (I accidentally upgraded it to sid...).

I've rebuilt my VM and things seem to mostly work (so long as I leave apparmor off). Can you provide reproduction instructions for either of your problems?
> Can you try just installing the package from unstable rather than
> rebuilding it? (sometimes static linking does solve problems :-p)

I was guessing it won't be possible to install the package straight from
unstable onto a stable system, and am not interested in upgrading at
this point to unstable. However I might be wrong here.

Yes, telling everyone to upgrade to unstable is not a good answer.

It does look to me from staring at Depends: as if snapd 2.27.6-2 from sid will install OK on stretch. But I haven't tried it.

You can install the deb from testing on stretch, it turns out.

In any case, my
research led me to believe the first error *might* be a kernel
issue... I believe my packages to be fine.

The only response I got however was an implied "don't use snap" and "I
personally don't like the concept of snap". which wasn't really helpful.

Yes. Let's see if I can find some better answers...


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