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python3 for pysrs


I'm currently porting pysrs to python3 and sofar I got all tests running for 
python2 and python3 *yeah*. But the porting was mostly adding encode()/
decode() to many parts of the module. And I'm unsure, if the API is now in a 
good shape, or if it is mostly unusable for users, because I mixed bytes/
strings to much. Can somebody help here to give a good look from "outside"? 

I also see these messages:
python-srs: unused substitution variable ${python:Provides}                    
python-srs: unused substitution variable ${python:Versions} 

so far I understand https://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/python-policy/ch-module_packages.html i should ignore these messages.

And at least the testSRS.py is not available in build dir, so these tests are 
not runned. Should I override dh_auto_tests? or PYBUILD_TEST_ARGS_python2/3?  
What is the recommended way?

Best Regards,


[0] https://anonscm.debian.org/git/python-modules/packages/pysrs.git  

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