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egg-info and Debian-specific submodule packages


In bug #744741[1], we have a report where a lack of ``egg-info`` metadata breaks
both ``pip``'s installation detection and packages that use ``pkg_resources`` to
discover dependencies.

Usually, the answer would be simple: ship the ``egg-info`` metadata as part of
the package. But PySide is distributed upstream[2] and via PyPI[3] as one
monolithic package. Debian splits that out into 14 packages, ``python-
pyside.phonon``, ``python-pyside.qtcore``, ``python-pyside.qtdeclarative``, etc.

So, should we ship the egg-info files in a common package, as Barry
suggested[4], and make each of the submodules depend on it? This has the
unfortunate side-effect of breaking third-party packages that attempt to detect
whether PySide is installed.

Alternatively, we could only distribute it as part of ``python-pyside`` (a
metapackage), but this would require patching to some Debian-distributed
packages such as ``yubikey-piv-manager``.

A third option would be to ask upstream to split out the packages as we have
done -- that would resolve the conflict in this instance, but not the general
issue, and would probably take a lot of effort (or be rebuffed).

[1]: https://bugs.debian.org/744741
[2]: https://download.qt.io/official_releases/pyside/
[3]: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/PySide
[4]: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=744741#36

  -- Luke Faraone

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