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Re: using git-dpm or plain git-buildpackage in PAPT and DPMT (was: PAPT Git)

On 2016-08-10 10:18, Thomas Goirand wrote:
> Instead of
> accepting the merge, and resolving conflicts later on, git-dpm goes into
> the rebase conflict mode of Git, and it's often not obvious what to do
> there. Messing-up everything, and restart from scratch (and then iterate
> until done properly) isn't uncommon.

Been there, lost hours :~(

> As I only heard complains about git-dpm, maybe someone would like to
> express his joy using it, and explain why they think it's a nice tool.
> But is there such person? It seems git-dpm only brings frustration.

Well, in most cases I did not have any problems with it.
Points I like and would prefer not to change:
 - no need to use quilt
 - no special build command, just plain dpkg-bp or whatever

The idea to try something else in PAPT is very welcome from my
side, no matter what tool.

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