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Re: Bug #751908, tox, and bin-only Python packages

On Aug 06, 2015, at 05:08 PM, Piotr Ożarowski wrote:

>everything that doesn't match python[\d.]*- is fine IMHO.

Here's some language for DPP:

=== modified file 'debian/python-policy.sgml'
--- debian/python-policy.sgml	2015-02-27 23:09:27 +0000
+++ debian/python-policy.sgml	2015-08-06 19:04:43 +0000
@@ -728,6 +728,25 @@
 	  package itself.
+      <sect id="package_names_bin">
+        <heading>Package Names for Programs</heading>
+        <p>
+          Binary packages that provide executable programs should be named
+          differently than <ref id="package_names">module packages</ref>.
+          Specifically, such binary packages should not start with
+          either <package>python-</package> or <package>python3-</package> as
+          this is not supported by the Python helper scripts for this purpose.
+          Generally, if a single executable is provided, name the package that
+          contains it after the executable's name.  If that is too generic, or
+          clashes with existing package names, or the package contains
+          multiple executables, use something
+          like <package><var>foo</var>-cli</package>,
+          <package><var>foo</var>-bin</package>,
+          or even <package><var>foo</var>-python</package>.
+        </p>
+      </sect>
     <chapt id="embed">

>If "tox" is too generic, use tox-python

I'm going to name it 'tox' and create a virtual transitional package
python-tox with the appropriate replaces/breaks.


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