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Re: Git migration schedule

Hi Sandro (2015.10.03_12:47:20_+0200)
> I probably didnt make myself clear at first, let me retry: what were
> the problems that -in the last period- delayed the conversion?

No significant failures, but I wanted to setup an mr config, which I've
done now:
The pkg-perl team has fancier tools, but they require more bookkeeping,
so I mostly cribbed from the pkg-ruby-extras team.

> were they just lack of time (understandable) or were they technical in
> the conversion process?

So, the minor failures were lack of time, yes. It'd require a lot of
additional complexity, to deal with the remaining problems. I think
they're best dealt with by hand.

So, here is a migration at r34461:

The errors:

Cannot "git-dpm init" package: adhocracy
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: cocos2d
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: commodity
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: confiture
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: django-colorful
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: django-countries
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: django-kombu
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: django-lean
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: django-permissions
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: fabtools
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: feedparser
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: feincms-elephantblog
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: flask-restful
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: gamera
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: gato
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: ghmm
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: grapevine
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: jira-python
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: lazr.authentication
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: lazr.restfulclient
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: lightblue
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: mahotas
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: migrate
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: mingus
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: mongomock
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: mplayer.py
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: nltk
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: numpy
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: oct2py
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: pdfminer
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: pycalverter
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: pycryptopp
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: pycurl
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: pygpu
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: pylzma
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: pymarc
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: pynxt
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: pyopenfst
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: pyproj
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: pysvn
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: python-ad
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: python-aiodocker
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: python-akismet
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: python-antlr3
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: python-cffi
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: python-charade
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: python-cherrypy
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: python-dbf
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: python-django-formfieldset
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: python-django-haystack
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: python-dns
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: python-exif
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: python-fdb
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: python-formencode
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: python-geojson
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: python-git
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: python-gnutls
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: python-hypothesis
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: python-ipcalc
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: python-iptables
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: python-managesieve
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: python-medusa
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: python-mongokit
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: python-myconnpy
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: python-odf
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: python-peak.rules
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: python-peak.util
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: python-pip
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: python-pycaptcha
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: python-pychart
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: python-pypdf
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: python-repoze.what-plugins
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: python-repoze.who-plugins
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: python-riak
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: python-rst
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: python-scrapelib
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: python-seenthis
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: python-sentinels
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: python-sk1libs
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: python-solrpy
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: python-tgext.admin
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: python-toscawidgets
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: python-vcs
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: python-virtualenv
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: python3-sympy
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: pythonmagickwand
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: pyuca
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: pyutil
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: pyvtk
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: pywavelets
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: quixote1
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: scandir
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: scipy
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: sparqlwrapper
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: sphinxcontrib-aafig
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: svg.path
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: tgmochikit
Cannot "git-dpm init" package: urlgrabber

I think these are mostly because the package has never been uploaded to
Debian, or has a new release staged, or has patch problems.

liblarch has
Orphaned tag commit: b'935216b70ff944f4fdef508a3ad9a53ede9aff93' b'refs/tags/3.0-1'
namebench has
Orphaned tag commit: b'06ab8961db663cfd9002288ba098cd8aa523f81b' b'refs/tags/1.1+dfsg-1'

These, I don't care about.

We can't merge the svn head into master on:

Presumably a new upstream release, staged.

That's it. Please poke around.

Migration scripts:
http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/users/stefanor/dpmt-migration.git/ patches


Stefano Rivera
  +1 415 683 3272

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