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Re: -nspkg.pth and .pth files - should we get rid of them?

On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 07:58:13 -0400, Barry Warsaw wrote:

> On Jul 20, 2015, at 01:12 PM, Julien Cristau wrote:
> >Is that a serious question?  Why should debian-python, for no good
> >reason, break things that work just fine?
> Because it doesn't really work well when you are supporting both Python 2 and
> Python 3.  For example, if you have the 'foo' namespace with submodules 'bar'
> and 'baz', you can't write a foo/__init__.py that supports old-style
> namespaces for Python 2 and PEP 420 style namespaces for Python 3 because in
> the latter *you can't have an __init__.py at all*.
That's exactly why Debian shouldn't mess with it.  If upstream is
python3-only, they can remove __init__.py and go PEP420.  If not, they
can use old-style namespaces on both python versions, and there's no
reason for Debian to break that IMO.

Julien Cristau          <julien.cristau@logilab.fr>
Logilab		        http://www.logilab.fr/
Informatique scientifique & gestion de connaissances

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