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Re: Removing some python3-* packages

On 3 July 2015 at 11:40, Ben Finney <ben+debian@benfinney.id.au> wrote:
> Barry Warsaw <barry@debian.org> writes:
>> […] there's actually no reason to have a Python 3 version of enum in
>> any version >= Python 3.4. […]
> Ian Cordasco <graffatcolmingov@gmail.com> writes:
>> Probably a silly question, but are other libraries like unittest2 also
>> being packaged for python3? Another library is mock. That was included
>> in the stdlib in 3.3.
> One consideration is: What code is written to be Python 2 and Python 3
> compatible from the same code base, which achieves this by importing a
> module which is backported to Python 2?
> In some of my code I'm doing ‘import unit2’ to have features from that
> library available in Python 2 code.

I hope you mean 'import unittest2' - and great, thats the intent.

> Since those features are all in Python 3's standard library, the case
> could be made that ‘python3-unit2’ is pointless; but against that is the
> fact that a Python 3 ‘unit2’ package means that ‘import unit2’ will work
> the same on both runtime versions.

unittest2 also has new features in it for python 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, and
will soon have new features for 3.5 as well.

> So I'd argue that ‘python3-mock’ and the like do have a place in Debian:
> they make it easier to follow the recommended strategy of having a code
> base run unchanged on Python2 and Python 3.



Robert Collins <rbtcollins@hp.com>
Distinguished Technologist
HP Converged Cloud

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