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Re: Python packaging question (Python binaries)

On Apr 25, 2015, at 03:42 PM, Tomasz Buchert wrote:

>  * the library provides a program as /usr/bin/pyenigma.py; should I:
>    (a) declare another binary package (say, pyenigma) with it and
>    make it depend on python3-enigma or (b) leave it as it is now, a
>    part of the library?
>    (a) seems like a more canonical solution, but (b) looks more
>    practical since I doubt that people will very rarely use pyenigma
>    on its own

In general, I like creating a separate binary package for the /usr/bin
scripts.  Call it -cli or -common or -bin or some such.  I usually also
include a manpage in that package (via help2man at least, if not rst2man).

I like this especially if the source package also provides libraries for
Python 2 and Python 3, since it seems unnatural to include the /usr/bin script
in either of those library packages.  And of course, it would depend on
python3-enigma <wink>.

It's a little more work to do it this way, but I think it makes for cleaner
packaging.  And if you're already building two binary packages, a third isn't
so much extra work.

>  * lintian complains about .py exntesion in a binary stored in
>    /usr/bin/; should I absolutely change it to no extension?  it's
>    trivial to do, but the instructions at
>    https://bitbucket.org/bgneal/enigma/ will be misleading

On Apr 25, 2015, at 12:16 PM, Scott Kitterman wrote:

>People will have different opinions on this.  The point of not having the 
>language extension on there is so that if something gets re-implemented in a 
>different language, the name doesn't change.  For this particular case, since 
>being pythonic is part of the point, I think it's not applicable.  If it were 
>me, I'd leave it and override the lintian warning.

We already have some cases where we deviate from upstream.
coverage/python{,3}-coverage is a frequent example.

.py extensions in /usr/bin bug me, but YMMV.  If it were me, I'd probably
install it without the .py, but it's also fine to install it with the .py.


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