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Re: Python 3.4 and ensurepip (rehashed, long)

[Barry Warsaw, 2014-03-26]
> I do think this would require a --dont-blame-us switch analogous to
> -s/$PYTHONNOUSERSITE.  We'd want to recommend adding that switch to shebang
> lines for system services and scripts, much like we already do with -Es.  For
> complete isolation, -I should imply this new switch too.

What if system administrator wants to extend some system
services/scripts/etc. via installing plugins/additional libraries to
/usr/local/pythonX.Y/dist-packages? Isn't that what this dir is for?
If we start disabling this path in all our script, what's the point in
having it?

Instead of adding hacks, we should educate users (IMO pip should at
least warn when used with root rights, etc.).

Adding another /usr/local/pythonX.Y/user-packages to sys.path (with a
switch in our /usr/bin/scripts that disables it) sounds tempting, but I
doubt we'll be able to force all these tools out there (that overwrite
our files) to use it.
Piotr Ożarowski                         Debian GNU/Linux Developer
www.ozarowski.pl          www.griffith.cc           www.debian.org
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