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Re: Python 3.4 and ensurepip (rehashed, long)

[Barry Warsaw, 2014-03-19]
> TL;DR: Let's re-enable the ensurepip module in Python 3.4, and possibly
>    address some usability issues.  We should descend en masse on Montreal and
>    stage a revolt at Pycon. :)

IMO our ensurepip.py should look similar to this:

| try:
|     from pip import *
| except ImportError:
|     raise Exception('Please ask administrator to install python3-pip package.'
|                     ' Note that installing packages system-wide using pip is'
|                     ' considered harmful, please do not report Python related'
|                     ' bugs in Debian bugtracker if you decide to do that.')

IMO we should warn users that they can^W will break their systems and
`sudo pip install ...` should raise an exception if
--i-will-not-blame-debian option is not enabled.


After a while (10th time I was asked to clean after pip?) the very first
thing I look for in tracebacks someone sends me is... ".egg" or
"/usr/local" paths, seriously! It simply started annoying me and I hate
every single upstream that recommends using sudo irresponsibly.
Piotr Ożarowski                         Debian GNU/Linux Developer
www.ozarowski.pl          www.griffith.cc           www.debian.org
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