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Re: Fighting commit storm madness (was: [Python-modules-commits] [python-mplexporter] 135/135: Merge pull request #30 from rainwoodman/patch-1)

Le Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 12:03:38AM -0400, Scott Kitterman a écrit :
> Changing the number of commits is solving the wrong problem.  The problem that 
> needs to be solved is including upstream commits.  That's thoroughly 
> uninteresting for a packaging team.  Also, it's not just the mails, it's the 
> IRC bot too (I believe the IRC bot acts off the repository, not mails).

In my experience, when updating the upstream branch, the number of upstream
commits is usually higher than 20, and therfore the push of the upstream branch
will generate a single message.


Charles Plessy
Debian Med packaging team,
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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