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paster setup-app in postinst script


I am building a debian package of a python application (pylons application).
In the postinst script I want to setup the database or update the
database, so I'd like to run

    paster setup-app myapp.ini

which would generate the database or add new database tables.
But I am getting error for looking up the entry point.

    LookupError: Entry point 'main' not found in egg 'MyApp' (dir:
/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6; protocols: paste.app_factory,
paste.composite_factory, paste.composit_factory; entry_points: )

I guess this is due to the fact that the package itself is not
completely installed when running postinst.

What would be the recommended way to do this?

I tried update-python-modules in the postinst script, but this did not
work out.

Thanks for any hint and kind regards

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