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broken python-turbogears dependency list in squeeze?


I just moved a system using turbogears to Debian Squeeze.  I found that simply importing "turbogears" from python (2.6) yielded import errors which could be fixed by installing the following packages:
My understanding is that turbogears moved from kid to genshi for the default templating system between versions 1.04 and 1.1 so I believe the following dependency changes are in order:
I am less familiar with the change to depend on tgmochikit, but since importing "turbogears" imports "tgmochikit", it seems to me at least the dependency should be added:
Do others see this issue too?  Does anyone have any additional insight?  Are there any other packages that should be downgraded in the python-turbogears dependency list?  Is the best way to get this fixed to file a bug?



P.S. Sorry if this is not the best place to post this message.  I've tried debian-user, the general maintainers list as well as an individual who posted a message saying he was adopting python turbogears ~2 years ago.  If you have a suggestion for a better place to post about this, please let me know.

Jason Rennie
Research Scientist, ITA Software

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