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Re: Python 2.7 in, Python 2.5 out, dh_python2

[Pietro Battiston, 2011-02-08]
> This is probably a stupid question, but if nobody (as I seem to
> understand) objects to dh_python2 becoming the only helper in Wheezy
> (i.e. nobody protested very loudly - at least in this list - in response
> to [1]), why doesn't it at least become the default instead of having to
> specify its usage in debian/rules?

It is default in CDBS now (note that I didn't make it default in my
patch), CDBS didn't have a default helper so far, though. It's more
tricky in dh since dh_pysupport is the default there and we don't want
to change it without carefully checking each package first.
Piotr Ożarowski                         Debian GNU/Linux Developer
www.ozarowski.pl          www.griffith.cc           www.debian.org
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