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Re: Help with my Debian package for Orange

On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 12:28:21PM +0200, Mitar wrote:
> I have been reading all this but I must say it does not help a
> beginner in any way.

Ahh, sorry.

> I think some best-practices examples would be
> most useful. To just copy/paste and adapt. Saying "look into rules
> files" also does not help me much, which one? Which one is similar to
> my package? I do not know that. Probably maintainers of many packages
> know which one from the past is similar to the new one and can reuse
> that, but for me this is hard to know.

For sure.  I do not have a "best practices" example, but the last
package I uploaded (yesterday) was mrbayes where the packaging is
available at


It has a short debian/rules file and is using two override_* targets
which should make things more clear.  You will find a lot more examples


If I'm seeking for examples I'm just doing things like:

   find packages -name rules -exec grep -wH "dh" \{\} \; | grep trunk

and get a lot of Debian Med packages which are using dh.

Feel free to ask further questions if something remains unclear.

Kind regards



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