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Re: list of package for python_support -> dh_python2 ?

On Fri, 10 Jun 2011, Barry Warsaw wrote:
> >Do what you (plural) want, I don't care.
> Personally, I want one helper.  The consistency will make life much easier for
> new packagers, for documentation, and for helping focus the community on
> fixing bugs, adding features, and improving the state of the art.

YEAP -- one mighty helper would be better than many less mighty.  Even:
one mighty helper would be better than 2 mighty, because we hate
duplication and trying to reduce our maintenance effort.  But ATM,
is there any source/documentation which could give me a clear answer why
pysupport sucks and dh_python2 rules (or why should I care about
python_support -> dh_python2)?

I am asking because I have a few packages which use pysupport now and it
seems to work (so it is the mighty for me)... not sure if I am
ready to invest time into doing a conversion which has some plausible
benefits which I could not sense right away.

> Even though it will eventually all be made moot by the retirement of Python 2
> <wink>, 

especially then -- both could die in peace sooner or later ;-)

> As my previous message stated, we're on a mission to remove python-support and
> python-central from the Ubuntu CDs.  Officially deprecating python-support in
> Debian would make our lives easier. :)

Thanks for the frankness ;)

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Yaroslav Halchenko                 www.ohloh.net/accounts/yarikoptic

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