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Re: Switching to git

Thank you Barry,

yes -- I see the use-case/purpose for such a feature now, just
hadn't chance to use it myself.  But I would not consider it as an
argument for bad practices in GIT ecosystems -- different projects,
communities, contribution gateways -- different rules.  Great to see GIT
providing so much flexibility to accommodate every one of them ;-)

On Sun, 06 Mar 2011, Barry Warsaw wrote:
> >> > git diff ... | patch; git commit -m 'Merged blah bleh into blue'
> >> hint: git merge --squash

> >ah, evil evil evil git developers for allowing such a thing! I never
> >used it ;-)

> I've heard both git and hg users encourage the deletion of intermediate
> history when merging branches.  E.g. say you've got feature branch and you've
> done 100 commits on your own local repository.  When merging that branch to
> the trunk, I've heard that both the kernel folks (git) and Python folks (hg)
> want you to *not* include those 100 local commits in the branch merged with
> trunk.

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Yaroslav Halchenko                 www.ohloh.net/accounts/yarikoptic

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