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Re: Wheezy plans

On Sat, 16 Oct 2010, Bernd Zeimetz wrote:

I'm wondering if we really need a dh_pysupport wrapper or if we should just fix the packages instead. And easier transition would be to provide dh_pycentral and ph_pysupport wrappers which just do the right thing, together with a lintian error telling people that they need to fix their packages. And of course upload transitional -central and -support packages.

In the beautiful future, if there is Only One Right Way to do Python stuff in Debian, I would find that thrilling.

	paulproteus@vellum:~ $ python -c 'import this' | grep obvious
	There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.
	Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you're Dutch.

With that in mind, (honestly) please deprecate the old tools except one, and then insist packages stop using it. "And then there is no mystery left." (*)

I find that vision so compelling that I would organize a three or four person (+) Debian hackfest in the Boston area on a weekend. We would take a few hours on each of Saturday and Sunday and fix up packages to use the new Python tools, thereby helping to eradicate ambiguity and confusion from Python packagin in Debian.

Right now, I don't really contribute technically to the Debian Python team, so it's quite possible that I'm off-base. So take this as the comment from someone you ran into at the water cooler.

-- Asheesh.

*. "Portions for Foxes", by Rilo Kiley

+. Hopefully more, but 3-4 people I can nearly promise.

Q:	What's the difference betweeen USL and the Graf Zeppelin?
A:	The Graf Zeppelin represented cutting edge technology for its time.

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