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Re: package providing an ipython Extension

On 08/09/2010 04:10 PM, Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel wrote:

> I am using python-support but I am not sure I understood what is the relation of my
> problem with the section you pointed me in the python-support documentation.
> this ipy_profile_tango.py is not a Module built from the package, It is just a file that should be compile
> and install in the IPython Extension directory.

.... which is just another python module....

> So if I understand correctly the setup.py of the upstream should build
> an Ipython/Extension/ipy_profile_tango.py package without __init__.py file

Actually it should not matter what it does as python-support should do the right
thing and the end, but you'll have to test it... And in case it fails to install
or weird things happen, remember my pointe rto the python-support documentation ;)

 Bernd Zeimetz                            Debian GNU/Linux Developer
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