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Tool support for private modules

Howdy all,

The Debian Python Policy, chapter 3

    3.1.1 Programs Shipping Private Modules

    A program using /usr/bin/python as interpreter can come up with
    private Python modules. These modules should be installed in
    /usr/share/module, or /usr/lib/module if the modules are
    architecture-dependent (e.g. extensions).

    /usr/lib/site-python is deprecated and should no longer be used
    for this purpose.

But the Python distutils and setuptools will install the modules to
/usr/lib/site-python/. My 'debian/rules' already has a 'dh_pycentral'

How can I best conform to the above policy?

The dumb way, I imagine, would be to manually install the foles to
those specific locations. I'm wondering what tools (e.g. debhelper)
support something better, and how to use them to conform to the

 \      "God forbid that any book should be banned. The practice is as |
  `\               indefensible as infanticide."  -- Dame Rebecca West |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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