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Re: formencode as .egg in Debian ??

Bob Tanner wrote:
Note also that in many cases, the package will be a single .egg *file*, (analagous to a Java .jar file) rather than a directory, and files are preferable to directories in most cases as they make Python import processing faster.

I don't think Debian should use the egg structure. It apparently relies
on building a long sys.path (even though through only a single .pth
file); this adds additional costs to all import statements on startup.
It gets worse if these are zipfiles, because then each import statement
will have to look into each zipfile (until the import is resolved).

If there is no way to install the package directly into site-packages
using the provided setup.py, I think setup.py should be

In the specific case of formencode, replacing the first three lines
of setup.py with

from distutils.core import setup

seems to work (except for the warning that there are unsupported


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