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Packaging for zope 3

Seems most of the discussion on zope 3 happens on this mailing list, so
I'm putting my questions here.

I'm currently packaging SchoolBell, what will be a calendering library
for zope X3.1 as well as a calendaring server in its own right. Right now
there are no zope X3.1 packages (nor even a zope X3.1:), so I am including
a large portion of the current zope trunk checkout. (Very dirty hack)

But it would be nice to get things right for the future. So:

Is there anyone working on a zope X package that I could depend on for
the needed modules? I have seen such a package in Ubuntu, but Debian is
kind of lacking.

The package naming scheme I am thinking of using is:
schoolbell                        - Config and binaries for a schoolbell
                                    standalone server
zope3.1-python2.3-schoolbell      - The zope libraries themselves


Brian Sutherland

It's 10 minutes, 5 if you walk fast.

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