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Packaging leo for both 2.2 and 2.3 ? (and seeking for sponsor)


I am trying to package leo (http://leo.sourceforge.net/) for both Python
2.2 and 2.3. The problem comes with byte-compilation, as the .pyo sets
of files are different for the two versions.

The Debian Python Policy
(http://people.debian.org/~joss/python/python-policy-draft.html/), says
the following about version-independent private modules :

  """TODO: Currently there is no mechanism to automatically recompile
  such modules when the default python version changes. The required
  dependency on "python (>= X.Y), python (<< X.Y+1)" ensures the package
  is upgraded, and hence recompiled, when the default python version
  changes. In the future, a mechanism may be introduced to automatically
  recompile such modules when the python package is upgraded, allowing
  such packages which support several python versions to only depend on
  "python (>= min.version)"."""

Is there any way to help resolve the recompilation problem ? I do not
like the idea of puting version dependencies that do not really reflect
the application needs. :-)


You can find the package at the following URL :

Note1: Until I have the answer to this question, the package is slightly
bugged, as it depends on python2.2 or python2.3 and does not
byte-compile anything.

Note2: And, as I am not a Debian Developer, I am looking for a sponsor
for this package. Thanks!


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