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Re: python upgrade

On Thu, Oct 18, 2001 at 07:25:04PM +0200, Matthias Klose wrote:
> hmm, seems I've been kicked of the debian lists. anyway, could you
> implement the scripts for your c) proposal? would it be a good idea to
> put the debian directories under CVS control, so we have access to it?

And I thought perhaps I'd been annoying people too much and people had
redirected my posts to /dev/null :-)

I've not look in my mail till now, and there seems to be a plethora of
people posting solutions. I feel we are starting to approach the point of
too many cooks, and am tempted to back out rather than add more confusion.

Now that Neil is back, I see he has posted that he has some scripts ready
for this, and I'd trust that his are worth using. However, if you are still
interested, I have started down the path of experimenting with various
preinst and prerm scripts based on the 2.1 packages in unstable. Even if you
don't want to use them, they might provide ideas.

The files attached are;


postinst and prerm scripts should be usable for all pythonX.Y-base packages,
just redefine VERSION at the start.


A script to be called by version independant python packages in their
postinst and postrm scripts. This should probably be provided by the
python-base package.

Note that these scripts are _untested_. They assume the following directory

/usr/lib/pythonX.Y/	pythonX.Y installation directory
/usr/lib/python/	version independant packages installation directory
/usr/local/lib/python/X.Y local version dependant modules 
/usr/local/lib/python/	local version independant modules

They create and compile symlinks into the relevant */python/ directory in
*/pythonX.Y/ directories. They also clean up dangling symlinks and any
associated *.pyc or *.pyo files.

They have some minor deficiencies, the biggest being any directorys created
in */pythonX.Y/ directories during symlink creation will not be cleaned up.
This is a bit tricky, as it is hard to determine when directories are
created for symlinks, and when they are created by some other package.

Note that these scripts are very simple and would be easy to modify. In
particular, I'm not familiar with any /usr/local/python conventions, so they
probably need adjusting there.

ABO: finger abo@minkirri.apana.org.au for more info, including pgp key
#! /bin/sh -e
# postinst script for the Debian python2.1-base package.
# Written 1998 by Gregor Hoffleit <flight@debian.org>.
# Modified 2001 by Donovan Baarda <abo@minkirri.apana.org.au>.


case "$1" in

        # Create /usr/local/lib/python/site-packages and
        # /usr/local/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages if needed
        # /usr/local/lib/pythonX.Y/ is for local version dependant packages
        # /usr/local/lib/python/ is for local version independant packages
        for i in python python/site-packages python${VERSION} python${VERSION}/site-packages; do
                if [ ! -e /usr/local/lib/$i ]; then
                    mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/$i 2> /dev/null || true
                    chmod 2775 /usr/local/lib/$i 2> /dev/null || true
                    chown root:staff /usr/local/lib/$i 2> /dev/null || true

        # Update symlinks to /usr/lib/python/ and /usr/local/lib/python
        # in /usr/lib/pythonX.Y/ and /usr/local/lib/pythonX.Y/.
        # This will remove all dangling symlinks and any related *.pyc 
	# and *.pyo files. It will create absolute symlinks for everything 
	# in the */python/ directories. Any files that already exist in the 
	# */pythonX.Y/ directories will be left untouched.
        for i in /usr/lib/python /usr/local/lib/python; do
        	find $i${VERSION}/ -type l -not \
            		\( -xtype f -or -xtype d -or -xtype l \) \
                	-exec rm -f \{\} \{\}o \{\}c \; 2> /dev/null || true
        	cp -Rs $i/* $i${VERSION}/ 2> /dev/null || true

	# Compile everything in /usr/lib/pythonX.Y and /usr/local/lib/pythonX.Y
	for i in /usr/lib/python${VERSION} /usr/local/lib/python${VERSION} ; do
            /usr/bin/python${VERSION} -O /usr/lib/python${VERSION}/compileall.py -q $i
            /usr/bin/python${VERSION} /usr/lib/python${VERSION}/compileall.py -q $i


        echo "postinst called with unknown argument \`$1'" >&2
        exit 1

if [ "$1" = "configure" ]; then

# Automatically added by dh_installdocs
if [ "$1" = "configure" ]; then
	if [ -d /usr/doc -a ! -e /usr/doc/python2.1-base -a -d /usr/share/doc/python2.1-base ]; then
		ln -sf ../share/doc/python2.1-base /usr/doc/python2.1-base
# End automatically added section
# Automatically added by dh_installmenu
if [ "$1" = "configure" -a -x /usr/bin/update-menus ]; then update-menus ; fi
# End automatically added section

exit 0
#! /bin/sh -e
# prerm script for the Debian python2.1-base package.
# Written 1998 by Gregor Hoffleit <flight@debian.org>.
# Modified 2001 by Donovan Baarda <abo@minkirri.apana.org.au>.


# Remove all symlinks into */python/ directories and any corresponding 
# compiled *.pyc and *.pyo files
for i in /usr/lib/python /usr/local/lib/python ; do
	find $i${VERSION} -type l -lname $i/'*' \
		-exec rm -f \{\} \{\}c \{\}\o \;

# Remove compiled *.pyc and *.pyo files corresponding to
# *.py files installed by this package.
dpkg --listfiles $PACKAGE |
        awk '$0~/\.py$/ {print $0"c\n" $0"o"}' |
        xargs rm -f >&2

# remove the /usr/local/lib/python/site-packages and 
# /usr/local/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages directories. 
rmdir /usr/local/lib/python/site-packages 2>/dev/null && \
        rmdir /usr/local/lib/python 2>/dev/null || \
rmdir /usr/local/lib/python${VERSION}/site-packages 2>/dev/null && \
        rmdir /usr/local/lib/python${VERSION} 2>/dev/null || \

# Automatically added by dh_installdocs
if [ \( "$1" = "upgrade" -o "$1" = "remove" \) -a -L /usr/doc/python2.1-base ]; then
	rm -f /usr/doc/python2.1-base
# End automatically added section

#! /bin/sh -e
# update-python script for the Debian python-base package.
# Created 2001 by Donovan Baarda <abo@minkirri.apana.org.au>.

# Update symlinks to /usr/lib/python/ and /usr/local/lib/python
# in all /usr/lib/pythonX.Y/ and /usr/local/lib/pythonX.Y/.
# This will remove all dangling symlinks and any related *.pyc 
# and *.pyo files. It will create absolute symlinks for everything 
# in the */python/ directories. Any files that already exist in the 
# */pythonX.Y/ directories will be left untouched.
for i in /usr/lib/python /usr/local/lib/python; do
	for v in $i*.*; do 
        	find $v/ -type l -not \
            		\( -xtype f -or -xtype d -or -xtype l \) \
                	-exec rm -f \{\} \{\}o \{\}c \; 2> /dev/null || true
        	cp -Rs $i/* $v/ 2> /dev/null || true
		PYTHON=`basename $v`
		# Compile everything in */pythonX.Y
                /usr/bin/${PYTHON} -O /usr/lib/${PYTHON}/compileall.py -q $v
                /usr/bin/${PYTHON} /usr/lib/${PYTHON}/compileall.py -q $v

exit 0

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