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Re: Proposal: Reorganizing Python for Python2 (and fixes for the previous proposal)

On Sat, 13 Jan 2001 16:25:44 -0800, Joey Hess <joeyh@debian.org> wrote:

> This is where I begin getting flashbacks to the whole perl SNAFU. Is it
> possible for a python program to use python 2.0 features and not work
> with 1.5? 

Yes, that it possible, and even likely for programs written now.

> Is it possible for a program to use deprecated 1.5 things and
> not work with 2.0? 

Possible, but extremely unlikely. If any program does it, it was an
undetected bug that happened to work, not something documented as
"working, but deprecated" -- so if there are programs relying on
old bugs, they should be fixed anyway.
(The fixes are usually adding extra parens, and aren't hard)

> Is it possible some later version of python after 2.0
> will introduce new features programs could use?
Python 2.1 already contains many features future programs will be
able to use. (It's not out now, but alpha is supposed to be released
in a few days)

> The only way to make a program that uses perl 5.6 (I'll stop putting the
> equivilant ptyhon stuff in parens now :-) reliably work is to make it
> use #!/usr/bin/perl-5.6. But this is just shooting yourself in the foot
> when perl 5.7 comes out and your package works with it fine except it
> refuses to use it because the filename is different.

OTOH, all Python programs in Debian *should* work with 2.0. If they
do not, then they have a bug -- and it should be fixed. 
So, as a Perl basher <wink>, I think Python will not cause the same
problems that Perl did.

Moshe Zadka <sig@zadka.site.co.il>
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