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Re: Experimental Python 1.5.2c1 packages available

On Wed, Apr 14, 1999 at 04:07:29PM +0200, Gregor Hoffleit wrote:
> The docs are quite big (700k resp. 450k for html and info
> gzipped). Is there support for splitting them in separate packages ?
> Then, is there also a need for postscript resp. pdf packages ?

I just grab the ps files off www.python.org whenever I want to 
print it.  I don't use info or pdf unless it's the only choice
available.  I'm worried about package proliferation.  It's already
impossible to do "dpkg -l python\*" without getting more than a
screenful.  My net connection is fast enough that 700K + 450K is
not a concern.  However, if enough people need these formats and
have slow or expensive connections, then we should provide them.

But for ps, it doesn't seem necessary.  Just explain in 
README.debian where to download them from and how to print them.
Most people will delete the files after printing them anyway, and
installing and uninstalling a package rather than just deleting
five files is rather more work.

-Mike Orr, mso@jimpick.com

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